Healthier alternatives
There are currently a few different options on the market to take care of your baby’s diaper rash. The main competitors all share in common that they are not the healthiest of choices for your baby. They are offering a synthetic product. Filled with chemicals such as zinc and even fish products..
They are known to be effective and have been thoroughly tested, but there is an alternative. If you could choose to use a product that is much closer to the natural source, why wouldn’t you?
Our alternative has only two ingredients, they are very common. You can get them for very cheap almost anywhere in the world. With them, you will be able to produce a much greater amount than the one you would get with the commercial products. These two ingredients have gone through a very simple process of grinding to take their current form, no additives. That means that they are as close to their source as they can be. This is always great. Let’s go right ahead and show you our alternative.
The cream
We are going to be making diaper rash cream that is natural. It will be very effective and will cost you a fraction of the commercial alternatives. It has only two ingredients, with an optional one that we will cover a bit later. Those ingredients are Coconut Oil and Cornstarch. You can get these two almost everywhere nowadays, that should not be a problem. You may even have them already at home.
The coconut oil has excellent properties for the skin and is also anti-fungal. The starch will remove wetness from the skin, ensuring that it stays dry.
Now right into the process itself.

- Take three-quarters of a cup of Coconut Oil and mix it for about 10 minutes inside a big bowl.
- Add the cornstarch to your mix. Make sure you leave it as a smooth paste. If you want to have a thicker result you just have to add a bit more starch to the mix.
If you have an air-tight container you can store it up to a month without any worries. You can add some Polysporin if you would like to make this a medicated ointment. We would not recommend sustained use of this version. Polysporin is chemical-based. It will be effective in curing a rash that will not go away, but you should go back to the regular version as soon as it has healed.
A diaper rash
The problem that we are going to tackle today is the diaper rash. It is a very common thing. You see it happen to babies of all sizes and ages that are still using diapers.
It is irritation of the skin on any of the zones covered by the diaper.
Diapers are a great invention. My mom always says that she used to have to clean our diapers by hand. You get the picture. Thank this modern world for diapers. They do come at a price, though. That price is that, to prevent your child from soiling him/herself, they have to be quite hermetic. Not entirely air-tight, but close. The consequence of this is that if any humidity is left in a place that doesn’t get fresh air you start to get certain unwanted things to happen. One of those things is an irritation of the skin. It is sometimes caused by fungi, sometimes just the contact of the skin with the diaper’s material.
The baby care industry is overpriced
They know that this baby is the most precious thing there is to you. They also know all the fears and anxiety that may be plaguing you. Especially if you are a parent for the first time. With this information, they have crafted a market that is often overpricing. You can find alternatives to many products for a lot less of the costs. Of course, they know that finding or making those alternatives may be out of reach for people that are deprived of sleep and time. This also plays in their favor. The result is that you find products that are convenient, but overpriced and not the healthiest at times. This is not the case with everything you can find in this industry. There are many great things that you should take advantage of (such as the marvelous invention of diapers as we discussed before). Just make sure that, if you can, check your alternatives. This links to our next point of discussion.
We all know that a newborn comes with a great set of challenges. It is all worth it, of course. It can be hard to manage, though. If you just had your firstborn son you are quickly learning that life has changed drastically. This little guy or gal needs you for everything.
The logistical aspects of raising a baby are just one side of this situation. You may be dealing with a lot that is new to you. Two things are universal, though. You want your kid to have the healthiest stuff available. You will be looking for cost-effective methods for a few things. We do recommend that you try the above.
If you have the time and mental energy you can find alternatives to most commercial products. When it comes to baby care this is very much the case. It is hard to manage your situation when taking care of the little one, but this will benefit both of you if you can implement it. We hope you will give it a try.