Husband Won't Change Diapers

Husband Won't Change Diapers

When you have a baby, the most repetitive task is making milk and diaper changes. As a mother, you would be busy performing all these diaper changes.

Some mothers complain that the husband won't help to change diapers. In this age, there are husbands that only changed the diaper of their child once or twice a year. Why won't the husband change the diapers?

  • The husband who works all day doesn't feel like dealing with stinky and dirty diapers (I once changed my child diaper and she peed on me)
  • Diaper changing can frustrate them when the baby struggles and husband is not familiar 
  • They Feel Uncomfortable
  • They Are Scared
  • Husbands Don’t Know What They Are Doing
  • For A Baby Girl, It Can Be Weird 
  • The Risk Of Not Looking Manly
  • There Are Lots Of Other Things To Do
  • No Life Experience
  • Society Tells Them What They Have To Do

Reasons Why Men Never Change Diapers

Fathers who don’t change a diaper are known as “deadbeat” dad. However, it is hurtful and inaccurate. So, let’s have a look at some of the reasons why the husband won’t change diapers. 

  • They Feel Uncomfortable
  • Most of the parents feel uncomfortable while changing diapers. They start vomiting when they see nasty and poopy diapers. If they have a daughter, they would never want to change their diapers.

    Most people say that child is the responsibility of the mother and father both, so the husband should also help in changing diapers. A child can never come into the world without the efforts of two, so both of them are responsible for performing necessary parenting jobs. So, if a mother can change nasty diapers, then why can’t the husband? 

  • They Are Scared
  • If someone tells you that he is not scared of anything, he is telling a lie. Similarly, diaper changing can be a scary experience for dads.

    Husbands are scared of not doing it right or not cleaning the place correctly. However, you can teach them how to change diapers. If they can overcome fear, then they can perform the job nicely. It is another reason why a husband won’t change diapers. 

  • Husbands Don’t Know What They Are Doing
  • When a baby is born, women know almost everything that they have to do. Women know how to change a diaper, how to bath them, and what things are important for a perfect sleep. On the other hand, men don’t have these capabilities. Sometimes parents are clueless about these things. 

  • For A Baby Girl, It Can Be Weird 
  • Babies are innocent. Fathers who have a baby girl feel weird to change her diaper. They think it’s inappropriate to look and clean the bum of a little girl. Of course, we know it’s just about changing a diaper, but fathers don’t want to do this. 

  • The Risk Of Not Looking Manly
  • Most men want to be handsome, strong. Some husband feels that changing a baby diaper will make them weak. A man should do all the hard stuff, and the woman is responsible for those little tasks. It is another reason the husband won’t change diapers. 

  • There Are Lots Of Other Things To Do
  • Mothers complain that they have lots of other things to do. Diaper changing doesn’t take too much time, and you can easily do all the other tasks. If a mother is changing a diaper, a husband can take care of other things. Husbands keep their kids involved in lots of other activities. Men are notorious for if they are asked to do some work, they will do it five months later. So, when they have to change a diaper, they will probably do the same thing. 

  • No Life Experience 
  • Lots of men have the traditions and attitudes that are similar to 50 years ago. They have watched their moms changing diapers. So, when they don’t want to do these tasks, we can’t blame them. As a mother, you have to respect their family traditions. So, you have to make certain conversations before marriage and baby-making. When the wife is aware of the family traditions and your behavior, then it will stop most of the problems before they arise. 

  • The Waste
  • Probably wipes and diapers are the most expensive things that you will buy when you have a baby. One thing is sure disposable diapers or wipes will be wasted when used once, so it is better to search for coupons and never pay a full price. What does it mean “waste?” Husbands don’t know how to rip the tabs off. They will consume more wipes and diaper cream than needed. So, to avoid this waste of money, it would be better that mom should change the diaper. 

  • Diaper Changing Shouldn’t Take That Long
  • The diapering journey starts from the hospital. Expert mothers can change diapers in just 30 seconds. For men, they take a long time to learn this skill, and some of them can never master this skill. When the wife asks the husband to change the baby’s diaper, they will be still changing it even after 20 minutes. The husband won’t change diapers because he doesn’t know how much cream to apply and how to clean nasty bum. 

  • Is It A Quality Time?
  • Some people have the opinion that diaper changing can be a time to establish a bond between dad and baby. But there are lots of other activities that can help to establish a bond between parents and children. You can take your baby for a walk, watching TV, reading a book can all be the bonding time. 

  • Society Tells Them What They Have To Do?
  • When we think about the definition of a family, media and society have a large impact on our thinking. The media tells us that it’s the responsibility of a mother to change the diaper. Men should never change diapers. Dads have lots of other responsibilities to raise their kids. So, they want to involve themselves in diaper changing activities. 


    We have seen lots of wives complaining about their husbands that they don’t change diapers. So these are the reasons why the husband won’t change diapers. Don’t look at the negative side all the time. Try to find out the reason why your husbands don’t want to change the diaper. 

    Efforts have been made to get the information as accurate and updated as possible. If you found any incorrect information with credible source, please send it via the contact us form
    Sky Hoon
    Family Man. He is a family man and married with 1 child. Spent countless nights changing diaper and surprised how outdated diapers are. Nevertheless, there is no solution yet as a parent, just want to research more about diapers.
    Read His Personal Blog

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