Toddler Refuses To Sit On Potty [2023]

Toddler Refuses To Sit On Potty [2023]

When my daughter turned three, I decided it was time to start potty training. I had read books, talked to other parents, and felt prepared for the journey ahead. Little did I know that my daughter had her own ideas about potty training.

At first, she showed some interest in the potty, but when it came time to sit on it when she needed to, she adamantly refused. It didn't matter how much I coaxed, bribed, or tried to make it fun; she simply didn't want anything to do with it. Each attempt ended in tears and frustration, leaving me feeling defeated and questioning my approach.

Remember that every child is different, and it's essential to be patient and understanding throughout the potty-training journey. If your toddler continues to show extreme resistance or you have concerns about their development, it may be helpful to consult with a pediatrician or child development specialist for additional guidance.

potty sit

80% of children experience setbacks during toilet training, according to Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Potty Training Solution.

I realized that I needed to take a step back and reevaluate my approach. Even the trusty Youtube did not have any interesting potty training videos to let her watch more on it. I decided to shift my focus from pushing her to sit on the potty to creating a positive and supportive environment.

"Potty training is an adventure, not a race. Each child has their own unique journey."

When a toddler refuses to sit on the potty, it is not all bad, there are some pros such as:-

  1. Autonomy and independence: When a toddler refuses to sit on the potty, it can be a sign of their growing independence. They may be asserting their autonomy and wanting to have control over their bodily functions. This can be seen as a positive step in their development as they begin to take ownership of their own potty training journey.

  2. Understanding readiness: A toddler's resistance to sitting on the potty can indicate that they may not be fully ready for potty training. It's important to remember that every child develops at their own pace, and pushing them before they're ready can lead to stress and setbacks. By recognizing their resistance, you can reassess their readiness and adjust the approach accordingly, ensuring a more successful potty training experience in the long run.

Nevertheless, I decorated the bathroom with colorful pictures and brought in her favorite toys to make it more inviting. We talk about potty training together, and I made sure to involve her in the process, from picking out a special potty seat to letting her choose her favorite underwear if she chose to forego diapers.

I also decided to lead by example. I made a conscious effort to talk openly about using the toilet. I hoped that by normalizing the behavior, she would feel more comfortable and inclined to try it herself.

Despite my efforts, there were still days when my daughter refused to even acknowledge the existence of the potty. It was disheartening, but I reminded myself that every child develops at their own pace. I stayed patient, offering gentle reminders and opportunities to sit on the potty without forcing her.

"Potty training is not about teaching your child to pee and poop in the potty. It's about building skills, confidence, and independence."

Eventually when my daughter turned four, she surprised me. She walked up to the potty, asked me to carry to it, and sat on it without any prompting. I couldn't believe my eyes! I praised her enthusiastically, showering her with hugs and kisses. Even though she didn't pee then, at least this was the first step of her potty training. From that moment on, there were ups and downs, but we made steady progress.

Looking back, I realize that the key to overcoming my daughter's resistance was to create a positive and supportive environment, provide gentle encouragement, and be patient throughout the process. Potty training can be a bumpy road, but with understanding and perseverance, both the child and the parent can navigate it successfully.

Dealing with a toddler who refuses to sit on the potty

It can be a challenging experience for parents if you find yourself in this situation. There are several helpful books available on Amazon that can provide guidance and support but the first step is to make sure you are relaxed mentally as long as there are no medical issues. Here are three recommended books related to potty training:

  1. "Oh, Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know" by Jamie Glowacki: This book offers a straightforward and practical approach to potty training. Glowacki provides step-by-step instructions and tackles common challenges that parents may face. Her book emphasizes the importance of understanding your child's cues and taking a positive and relaxed approach to potty training.
  2. "Potty Training in 3 Days: The Step-by-Step Plan for a Clean Break from Dirty Diapers" by Brandi Brucks: Brucks offers a three-day method for potty training, outlining a structured plan to help parents successfully transition their toddlers from diapers to using the potty. Her book focuses on consistency and building confidence in both the child and the parent.
  3. "The Potty Book for Girls" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli: This book is part of a series that includes versions for both boys and girls. It uses simple and engaging storytelling to introduce the concept of using the potty to young children. The book aims to make potty training an exciting and positive experience for little ones. 

Learning to use the potty is something to celebrate. It's a big step in growing up!

Potty Sit

These books provide valuable insights and strategies to tackle potty training challenges. Whether you prefer a practical guide, a three-day plan, or a fun storybook approach, these resources can help you navigate the journey of potty training with your toddler. Remember, every child is different, so it's important to find an approach that suits your child's personality and needs.

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Sky Hoon
Family Man. He is a family man and married with 1 child. Spent countless nights changing diaper and surprised how outdated diapers are. Nevertheless, there is no solution yet as a parent, just want to research more about diapers.
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