What Was The Oldest Child You Have Had Still In Diapers?

What Was The Oldest Child You Have Had Still In Diapers?

Diapers are in a position to provide a great overall assistance to you with keeping the child clean at all times. However, you should also have a solid understanding of when to take your baby out of diapers. This should be a part of the potty training strategy that you follow as well. 

In general, you will be able to take the baby out of diapers when he is about 18 to 24 months old. However, some of the parents tend to keep their babies in diapers for a longer duration. It depends on several factors. You can even find parents who keep their infants aged up to 36 months in diapers. The oldest child we saw was 15 years old and it is really the child's preference at that stage.

oldest child in diaper

You need to make sure that your child is potty trained when he is three years old. Therefore, it is also important to understand when you should start potty training the baby. There are several factors, which you can consider when making the decision to potty training the child. In fact, you need to take a look at the following signs. If you can see one or more of these signs, you are good enough to go ahead with potty training your baby. Then you will be able to take the baby out of diapers when he reaches 3 years.

  • Your baby will inform you when the diapers have got dirty.
  • Your baby will tend to stay dry throughout the night.
  • Bowel movements are taking place at regular times of the day
  • The diaper stays dry for a duration of more than two hours during the day time.
  • Your baby will inform you soon before the bowel movements.
  • You will be able to see a change in facial expressions of your baby when he is pooping or peeing.
  • Wet diapers are making your child feel uncomfortable.
  • Your child shows interest to go to the toilet.

These signs showcase that your child is independent. Along with that, you will be able to proceed to the next stage of potty training the little one.

When you see these signs, you will be able to go ahead with potty training your child. You can discover lots of useful resources available on the internet on how to potty train the child. You just need to take a look at those resources and get your hands on a guide that you can follow with ease. Then you will be able to stick to it and potty train the child effectively. Once you are done with potty training, you will be able to take the child out from the diapers. 

The time that will be taken for potty training the child would also vary from one child to another. For most of the children, it will take around two to three months to receive perfect results with potty training. You are encouraged to potty train the child when he is around 18 months old. If you can see the above-mentioned signs above 18 months, you can go ahead with potty training without thinking twice. Then you will be able to make sure that you don’t have to put your baby in diapers when he is two years old. 

It is extremely important for you to potty train the child before he starts going to school. Otherwise, your child will have to come across lots of negative effects while attending school. This can create a major impact on his education. You will also notice that your child is refusing to go to school because of the inconveniences that he has to go through. Once you have provided a proper potty training the child, you can ensure that your child is not coming across any undesirable accidents at the school.

A large number of guides are available on the internet for you to learn what you should do in order to potty train the child. You can take a look at those guides and pick the best one out of them. In fact, it is better if you can get your hands on a reliable eBook, which explains the correct steps that should be followed at the time of potty training the child. Then you will be able to deliver the best potty training experience to the little one and make sure that he is familiar with going to the toilet. Then you will not have to worry too much about the accidents that will take place or wearing diapers. 

You should be careful and remain patient throughout the potty training procedure as well. In fact, you need to prepare yourself to face a lot of accidents that might take place during the process. You just need to take a deep breath and maintain patience during the process. Then you will be able to end up with effective results. 

Efforts have been made to get the information as accurate and updated as possible. If you found any incorrect information with credible source, please send it via the contact us form
Sky Hoon
Family Man. He is a family man and married with 1 child. Spent countless nights changing diaper and surprised how outdated diapers are. Nevertheless, there is no solution yet as a parent, just want to research more about diapers.
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